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Butchery is a SCAD live action short film directed by Abe Katz. The film is about a butcher struggling with the weight of generational expectations and the hardships of his profession.
I joined the team as a visdev artist in February. I designed beat boards and story boards for the film and worked with prop department to plan out the environment. For more information about the film and its team, checkout the links below.

Bushitoad is a SCAD animated short film directed by Jojo Bailey about a samurai toad and his tad pole apprentice on a quest for a new home.
I joined the project as a 2D effects animator in February of 2023. I did many of the rough effects animations throughout the film. For more information about the film and its team, checkout the links below.
Apotheosis is an independent webcomic series written and directed by me. The story is about a team of inexperienced soldiers who have to venture into an apocalyptic New York.
I joined the team as a visdev artist in February. I designed beat boards and story boards for the film and worked with prop department to plan out the environment. For more information about the film and its team, checkout the links below.

Teaser Trailer is a SCAD animated short film directed by JJ Gibson about the ultimate team of totally unexpected heroes battling the horrors of action movie marketing.
I joined the project as a layout artist in November of 2023 and this film is still in production. For more information about the film and its team, checkout the links below!
Fallen King is a payed independent animated short film directed by Jagger Clark about a silent wanderer who must try to save a young girl's life all the while a disaster is set to befall their city.
I joined the project as a layout artist in September of 2023 and this film is still in production. For more information about the film and our team, checkout the link and GoFundMe below!

BAD DOG is a SCAD animated short film directed by Dax DiPiazza about the daughter of a notorious dogfighter taking back her life in the face of her traumatic past.
I joined the project as a prop artist in August of 2023 and this film is still in production. I designed the pinup girl lighter seen throughout the film along with a few variations for it. For more information about the film and its team, checkout the links below.
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