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Bushitoad is a hybrid animated short film that was being produced as SCAD capstone film. I joined Bushitoad in February of 2023 as a 2D effects animator - roughing 2D special effects for a number of scenes. My involvement in the film was fairly late in the production cycle, which was super rewarding as I got to see all of the pieces that team had worked on come and fit together. All in all this was a really positive film experience and I had a really amazing time working on this film. Below you can see some of the effects I did.

Above are some examples I did of 2D effects tests that I did for the director so could they could get a sense of what some of the shots might look like.
Below you'll see a handful of some of the rough animations I did that made it into the film.

I also had the pleasure of doing the impact frames and sheen for the logo, which was probably my favorite effect of the whole since I had the most fun making it.

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